Who just doesn’t love eating sweets? Just one bite of one of those heavenly pleasures and you simply can’t stop!! We all know now that sugar isn’t exactly the best thing for you to eat, and those sugar substitutes we find now a days in the supermarket are nothing but chemicals that poison your body… So I decided to do some research on how to solve this problem and finally found… agave syrup, which has so many health benefits that I just couldn’t stop using it ever since!

miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

Skin Benefits

I just read an article about another health benefit of agave nectar... I found out that aztecs used to mix agave nectar with salt and used it to heal wounds and as a balm for skin infections...
The interesting part about this is that a recent study of modern medicine has confirmed the benefits of this mixture since applied on the skin turns out to kill pus producing bacteria... and the salt results to boost up the antibacterial properties of this remedy... interesting right?? it also has been proven to be effective against some intestinal bacteria...

martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010

Cocinar con Jarabe de Agave....

Cocinar con jarabe de agave es super fácil... solo tienes que sustituír 1 parte de azucar por la 1/2 de parte de jarabe de agave... y puedes obtener un platillo o un postre con un sabor muy original y que sea mucho más nutritivo... les comparto una receta que me encanta ...

Brownies con Jarabe de Agave y Nuez de Macadamia

  • 120g de chocolate
  • 2.5 barras de mantequilla  
  • 1t. de jarabe de agave 
  • 4 huevos
  • 140 g de harina
  • 1 cc de sal  
  • 1/2 cc de royal
  • 1t. nuez de macadamia tostada

Forma de preparación:
1. Calentar el horno a 180°-200°
2. Derretir la mantequilla en una cacerola a fuego muy lento
3. Mezclar en una fuente la mantequilla derretida y el jarabe de agave. 
4. Añadir los huevos
5. En una cacerola a fuego muy lento, derretir el chocolate cortado en cuadritos y añadirlo a la mezcla anterior.
6. Añadir la harina mezclada con la sal y el royal.
7. Agregar nuez de macadamia y mezclar hasta obtener una pasta homogénea
8. Verter la pasta en un molde engrasado con ma
ntequilla o aceite.
9. Hornear durante 30 à 35 mn. El brownie no debe estar demasiado cocido
10. Dejar que se enfríe y  cortar en cuadritos (2 cm por 2 cm).

Espero que les queden super ricos!!

Tipo de Azúcar

Una de mis partes favoritas del jarabe de agave es que es mucho mejor consumirlo que consumir azúcra de caña...consumir un producto con un índice glicémico alto causa que los niveles de azúcar en la sangre aumenten y disminuyan de manera drástica, ocasionando picos y provocando que el cuerpo segregue grandes cantidades de insulina (afectando esto al páncreas), las células al no poder quemar toda la glucosa la transforman en grasa y se acumula en el tejido adiposo causando sobrepeso. A personas diabéticas les afecta de manera directa ya que su cuerpo no produce insulina por lo que tienen que tomar un suplemento para poder consumir este tipo de alimentos, de acuerdo con el Glicemic Index Laboratories de Toronto Canadá el índice glicémico del jarabe de agave es de entre 19 y 30 dependiendo del tipo. Considerando que un alto índice glicémico está entre 55 y 110, uno medio está entre 55 y 40 y que son bajos todos aquellos menores a 40 el del jarabe de agave es bajo por lo que no afecta a quienes lo consumen... esto es super interesante porque quiere decir que las personas diabéticas o que estan a dieta ahora pueden consumir un producto natural sin tener que preocuparse por los efectos que pueda tener en su cuerpo!!

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

Jarabe de Agave

El jarabe de agave es un producto mexicano que ha adquirido popularidad en muchos otros países cuando deberia de ser aquí donde aumentara... es un producto super interesante y trae muchos beneficios a la salud!!
El jarabe de maguey es un producto con creciente demanda en la industria alimentaria nacional y extranjera, se obtiene del agave weber azul y otras variedades como el salmania, el verde, el gris, espinosas y el arco iris. Este jarabe es más dulce que la miel de abeja aunque su consistencia es mucho menos viscosa. Este jarabe se produce principalmente en los estados de Jalisco, Michoacán, Guanajuato y Tamaulipas aunque la mayor parte se produce en Jalisco.
El proceso para elaborar el jarabe de agave consiste en obtener el aguamiel de la piña del maguey. El jugo después se filtra y se calienta con esto se evapora el agua contenida y se hidrolizan los carbohidratos en azúcares. El carbohidrato principal de este jarabe es una fructosa compleja de fructosa llamada inulina. El aguamiel se concentra en una forma de jarabe espeso de consistencia parecida a la de la miel. Además de tener un sabor muy rico y particular...

miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

Baking with Agave Nectar...

Baking with agave syrup is very easy... and it gives a special twist to your favorite recipes... consider the following tips:
Reduce your oven 25°C when using it in your recipes.
Subtitute the amount of sugar with 1/2 the amount of agave nectar...

I would like to share one of my favorite recipes with you... this cookies are just amazing i'm pretty sure you will love them!!!

Cranberry and Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies
• 1 cup all purpose flour
• 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
• 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
• 10 tablespoons (1 1/4 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature.
• 1/2 cup agave syrup
• 1 large egg
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 1 cup old-fashioned oats
• 1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips
• 1/2 cup cranberries

Position rack in center of oven and preheat to 150°C. Line 2 large rimmed baking sheets with parchment paper. Whisk flour, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt in medium bowl to blend. Using electric mixer, beat butter and agave syrup in large bowl until smooth. Beat in egg and vanilla. Add flour mixture and oats and stir until blended. Stir in all chocolate chips and cranberries.

Drop batter by rounded tablespoonfuls onto prepared sheets, 2 inches apart. Bake cookies, 1 sheet at a time, until edges are light brown, about 16 minutes. Cool on sheets 5 minutes. Transfer to rack; cool completely.

Hope you like them!

How is agave syrup made?

Agave syrup is produced mainly in the states of Jalisco, Michoacan, Guanajuato and Tamaulipas in Mexico. Its process is very simple, and consists in extracting first all of the juice from the maguey's pineapple.Once that is done the juice is filteres and heated up so that all the water evaporates. With this process tha sugars cointained in the juice are left in the form of a thick syrup that resembles honey.
This is why agave syrup is basically made out of fructose since it is naturally obtained from a plant... interesting isn't it???
Agave syrup is made out of 92% sucrose and only 8% of glucouse, this depends on the brand though since on some products this numbers could vary. Make sure you buy good quality agave syrup...
Another very interesting thing that I can tell you about this product is that tnere are two types of agave syrup... the light and the dark one ... their colors only vary because of the cooking time they receive but the dark one is much sweeter than the light one and has a more particular flavor... it's honestly my favorite!! I just love it!!

martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

What is Agave Nectar?

Agave syrup or Agave Nectar is a mexican product obtained from Magueys, the same plant from which tequila is made. It has a texture and appearance that resembles honey, although it has a milder flavor. Now a days agave nectar has become a very popular sweetener since it has lots of health benefits and it is 3 times sweeter than sugar which means you need to use much less of it to obtain the same flavor.
Agave nectar also has a very low GI, which means that when you eat it, sugar peaks aren't formed in your blood stream. What are the benefits of this? It can be consumed safely by diabetic people.
Compare the following GI:
Agave syrup: 27
Fructose: 32
Honey: 83
Sugar: 92
amazing isn't it?¡?
Agave syrup also has anitinflamattory properties as well as immune system boosting properties...
Agave syrup also cointains inulin which is a type of fiber that can be very effective when you are trying to lose weight since it decreases appetite and increases saciety! what else do you need when trying to lose some pounds?
And the best part of it all... it cointains no chemicals!!!!